Results for 'Víctor Luis Albornoz Dávila'

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  1.  5
    Khan Academy Platform for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.Flaviano Armando Zenteno Ruiz, Raúl Malpartida Lovatón, Wilfredo Florencio Rojas Rivera, Juan Antonio Carbajal Mayhua & Víctor Luis Albornoz Dávila - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:573-585.
    Objective: To assess the impact of Khan Academy on the Mathematics educational process for UNDAC students and determine the relevance and efficacy of its content and strategies within the Mathematics-Physics program. Methodology: This research is framed within the positivist paradigm and takes on a quantitative approach. An experimental pre-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest in a single group. The study is applied in nature and is grounded in the contributions of expert researchers and methodologists on the subject. Analytical (...)
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    Oral Tradition, As Didactics, In The Reading Comprehension of University Students.Teófilo Félix Valentín Melgarejo, Flaviano Armando Zenteno Ruiz, Víctor Luis Albornoz Dávila, Pablo Lenin La Madrid Vivar & Ulises Espinoza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:668-682.
    The study of oral tradition, as didactics, in reading comprehension; had as its primary objective to demonstrate the influence of oral tradition, as didactics, on the reading comprehension of students of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, for this it was necessary to analyze the reading ability according to the levels of reading comprehension and determine how the use of oral tradition, As a didactics, it influences the literal, inferential and critical level when understanding a text. The study was of (...)
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    La compasión en el mundo de las relaciones terapéuticas: una herramienta práctica para introducirla de manera inteligente.Luis Gerardo Dávila Rodríguez - 2025 - Medicina y Ética 36 (1):44-77.
    El presente artículo se inscribe en el marco de la creación de una cultura del cuidado del otro, signo de civilización y humanización, cuyo objetivo es reflexionar sobre el papel de la compasión en la mejora de los vínculos terapéuticos. Se constata que el mundo de la medicina es rebasado frecuentemente por los avances de la técnica y la ciencia, quedando de lado la parte compasiva y humanista. Por lo anterior, es necesario volver a fundamentar la compasión en los vínculos (...)
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    Yo soy mi propio doble. Escritura y tipología en Ecce homo.Víctor Luis Berríos Guajardo - 2018 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 9 (1):97-114.
    En 1885, Nietzsche decide volver a publicar sus antiguos libros para los cuales escribirá prólogos. En ellos, Nietzsche desarrolla una terapéutica del presente, esto es una escritura que realiza un diagnóstico del presente, en donde lee síntomas de su época. Posteriormente, en 1888, Nietzsche escribirá un texto muy particular, Ecce homo, en el cual, mediante la escritura terapéutica, se elabora como filósofo del futuro que intenta superar su época. Así, Nietzsche nos relata cómo ha llegado a ser el que es, (...)
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    Migration, an absent epistemology: Fundamental theological approach.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45:39-56.
    Resumen La movilidad humana es un fenómeno social que ha puesto en la sensibilidad pública nacional una serie de inquietudes, que han derivado en definiciones normativas desde la política pública. Tras decisiones de orden administrativo, emergen convicciones sociales y culturales que tienden a relativizar, y en otros casos estigmatizar ciertas realidades migratorias subjetivamente evaluadas. En este contexto el aporte que podemos reconocer desde una reflexión teológica, contribuye a ampliar la mirada y reorientar aquellas convicciones previas que se ven ilumina das (...)
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    Between anthropology and faith: Centrality the theme of anglican homilies by John Henry Newman.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 34:187-210.
    La pregunta por la fe religiosa y sus posibilidades en el mundo moderno, suponen una determinada comprensión del ser humano. En efecto, dependiendo de cómo el hombre se comprenda a sí mismo será la manera que tenga de reconocer sus posibilidades hacia una experiencia creyente, y abrirse a la acogida de ella como una realidad posible y plausible. Esto es lo que entendió muy bien, desde el principio de su ministerio, el cardenal John Henry Newman. En efecto, la pregunta por (...)
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  7. Los principales diarios on line en español. El empleo de recursos audiovisuales y multimedia, e hipervícunlos.Luis A. Albornoz - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 66.
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    Family Firms and Employee Pension Underfunding: Good Corporate Citizens or Unethical Opportunists?Jessenia Davila, Luis Gomez-Mejia & Geoff Martin - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    This study draws upon the behavioral agency model and the concept of socioemotional wealth to investigate how family firms’ employee pension underfunding decisions differ from those of non-family firms. We explore how these differences are influenced by financial distress, generational stage, and whether the firm is eponymous. We test our hypotheses using data from 452 US firms over an eleven-year period. Our results suggest that family firms are less likely to underfund pensions, but this effect is attenuated in later generational (...)
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    From rationality to credibility: The proposal to epistemological faith in the “Grammar of assent” by John Henry Newman.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 40:95-120.
    Resumen A partir de la Ilustración, la ciencia y la fe ―otrora caminos comunes para alcanzar conocimiento―, se han visto divorciadas y constituidas como realidades divergentes que se oponen cada vez más. La modernidad trajo consigo la insistencia en estas ideas y el divorcio entre ciencia y fe parece no detenerse. El presente artículo propone en un dialogo con John Henry Newman reconocer el lugar propio de la ciencia positiva respecto de la fe religiosa, presentando la distinción epistemológica, o el (...)
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  10. Sociedades del conocimiento y diversidad cultural: a diez años de la Cumbre mundial de la Sociedad de la Información.Luis Alfonso Albornoz - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 96:9-12.
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    La salvación como visión de dios aproximación en clave profética al concepto de salvación en San ireneo de Lyon.Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares - 2011 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 24:165-185.
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  12. Organización virtual, identidad y gerencia.Sandra Dávila & Luis Rodolfo Rojas Vera - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):93-106.
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  13. A typology of coproduction : emphasizing shared power.Victor Burigo Souza & Luis Moretto Neto - 2018 - In Margaret Stout (ed.), From austerity to abundance?: creative approaches to coordinating the common good. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
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  14. Tocqueville: reinvanción y riesgos de la democracia.Luis Ricardo Dávila - 2003 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 22:5-22.
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    US Latino/a Contributions to the Field: Retrospect and Prospect.Rubén Rosario Rodríguez, María Teresa Dávila, Victor Carmona & Teresa Delgado - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):45-56.
    The 2018 SCE meeting focused on the theme “Retrospect and Prospect” in order to build greater understanding of the discipline of Christian ethics in its varied cultural, methodological, and confessional forms. Latino/a ethics in the United States, by embodying a cooperative methodology grounded in a liberative reading of the Christian Scriptures that employs a hermeneutics of suspicion, seeks to articulate an emancipatory and inclusive vision that yields distinctive forms of social and political action while working toward the common good. This (...)
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  16. Mezcla de esteroles aislada del extracto etanolico de Zanthoxylum caribaeum; y actividad anti-tuberculosis y anti-malaria del extracto etanólico.Luis Cuca Suárez & Victor Macias Villamizar - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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    Emotional education for personal growth in the early years.José Víctor Oron, Sonsoles Navarro-Rubio & Elkin O. Luis - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (2):115-130.
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  18. Estudio de materiales de las pinturas murales de la Torre de las Damas (Granada) y estado de conservación.Víctor Jesús Medina Flórez, Luis Fermín Capitán Vallvey & E. Manzano - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (1):177-204.
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    The Interprocessual-Self Theory in Support of Human Neuroscience Studies.Elkin O. Luis, Kleio Akrivou, Elena Bermejo-Martins, Germán Scalzo & José Víctor Orón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:686928.
    Rather than occurring abstractly (autonomously), ethical growth occurs in interpersonal relationships (IRs). It requires optimally functioning cognitive processes [attention, working memory (WM), episodic/autobiographical memory (AM), inhibition, flexibility, among others], emotional processes (physical contact, motivation, and empathy), processes surrounding ethical, intimacy, and identity issues, and other psychological processes (self-knowledge, integration, and the capacity for agency). Without intending to be reductionist, we believe that these aspects are essential for optimally engaging in IRs and for the personal constitution. While they are all integrated (...)
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    Influence of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Marketing Strategies on the Behavior of the Plant-Based Food Consumer Market in Ecuador and Latin America.Víctor Hugo Briones-Kusactay, Guido Homero Poveda-Burgos, Humberto Pedro Segarra-Jaime, Clara Augusta Cabrera-Jara, Luis Roberto Asencio-Cristóbal, Simón Bolívar Parrales-Escalante, Julio Antonio Baque-Mieles & Galvarino Casanueva-Yánez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:562-572.
    A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variable Social Responsibility, Sustainable Marketing and Consumer Behavior. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in the Scopus database during the period 2017-2022, achieving the identification of 57 publications. The information provided by this platform was organized through graphs and figures categorizing the information by Year (...)
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    Sub-Hilbert Lattices.José Luis Castiglioni, Víctor Fernández, Héctor Federico Mallea & Hernán Javier San Martín - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (3):431-452.
    A hemi-implicative lattice is an algebra \((A,\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,1)\) of type (2, 2, 2, 0) such that \((A,\wedge,\vee,1)\) is a lattice with top and for every \(a,b\in A\), \(a\rightarrow a = 1\) and \(a\wedge (a\rightarrow b) \le b\). A new variety of hemi-implicative lattices, here named sub-Hilbert lattices, containing both the variety generated by the \(\{\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,1\}\) -reducts of subresiduated lattices and that of Hilbert lattices as proper subvarieties is defined. It is shown that any sub-Hilbert lattice is determined (up to isomorphism) by (...)
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    The relevance of the preparation concept for the interpretation of quantum formalism.Miguel Ferrero, Victor Gómez-Pin & José Luís Sánchez-Gómez - 2014 - Epistemologia 37 (1):134-151.
  23. Latin America and the Idea of Europe.José Luis Romero & Victor A. Velen - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (47):75-82.
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    Self-prioritization effect in the attentional blink paradigm: Attention-based or familiarity-based effect?Víctor Martínez-Pérez, Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Miriam Tortajada, Lucía B. Palmero, Guillermo Campoy & Luis J. Fuentes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 117 (C):103607.
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    Tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe: reflexiones desde la bioética.Agueda Muñoz del Carpio-Toia, Héctor Sánchez, Claude Vergès de López, María Angélica Sotomayor, Luis López Dávila & Patricia Sorokin - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):331-357.
    Tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe: reflexiones desde la bioética Tuberculose na América Latina e no Caribe: reflexões da bioética The objective of this article is to analyze the conditions of access to health services by people with tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean, reflecting on the public health aspects involved from a bioethical perspective. A literature review of the context of tuberculosis in LAC based on epidemiological data was performed. The results were analyzed from its relationship with (...)
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    La Iglesia de América Latina y el Caribe de Hoy. Al origen Medellín.Víctor Martínez Morales S. J., José Luis Meza Rueda & Gabriel Alfonso Suárez Medina - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-16.
    La Iglesia de América Latina y el Caribe recibe del Concilio Vaticano II una fuerza crítica y profética, que se evidencia en la Segunda Conferencia del Episcopado, reunida en Medellín, en 1968. A partir de la originalidad propia de nuestra amerindia, este Concilio se asume, integra y traduce para vivir su inspiración y derroteros fundamentales. La iglesia de la que somos testigos hoy, 50 años después de Medellín, se ha entretejido desde allí. Prueba fehaciente de ello, en este continente, son (...)
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    (2 other versions)Objetos matemáticos sensibles y objetos Matemáticos inteligibles.Víctor Hugo Chica Pérez, Luis F. Echeverri & Edwin Zarrazola - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:187-205.
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    Open monitoring meditation alters the EEG gamma coherence in experts meditators: The expert practice exhibit greater right intra-hemispheric functional coupling.Guaraci Ken Tanaka, Tamara A. Russell, Juliana Bittencourt, Victor Marinho, Silmar Teixeira, Victor Hugo Bastos, Mariana Gongora, Maria Ramim, Henning Budde, Danielle Aprigio, Luís Fernando Basile, Mauricio Cagy, Pedro Ribeiro, Daya S. Gupta & Bruna Velasques - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102 (C):103354.
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    Luis de Losada on the Debate Between Analogy and Univocity.Victor M. Salas - 2023 - International Philosophical Quarterly 63 (4):415-433.
    The following essay considers Luis de Losada’s thinking with respect to the scholastic dispute between univocity and analogy. Noteworthy is the fact that the conclusions he reaches are at odds with those of Francisco Suarez, whom the younger Jesuit otherwise regards with unmitigated filial devotion. Though Losada differs from his master regarding analogy, the position he puts forth capitalizes upon a distinction between a logico-semantic perspective and a metaphysical perspective. The result is an irenic balance among all the schools (...)
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    Les sceptiques grecs.Victor Brochard - 1969 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Excerpt from Les Sceptiques Grecs Enfin le doute lui-meme n'est pas le scepticisme. C'est du doute seulement qu'on pourrait dire qu'il est a peu pres contem porain de la pensee humaine; car, pour un esprit qui reflechit, la decouverte de la premiere erreur suffit a inspirer une certaine defiance de soi; et combien de temps a-t-il fallu a des esprits un peu attentifs pour s'apercevoir qu'ils s'etaient plus d'une fois trompee? About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of (...)
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    Conservadurismo y pensamiento reaccionario en Colombia: a propósito de la obra de Nicolás Gómez Dávila.Mauricio Uribe López, Luis Felipe Piedrahíta Ramírez & Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    El auge de los populismos de extrema derecha en el último tiempo amerita una indagación acerca de las características de la ideología reaccionaria. Una forma de aproximarse a esta es a través del pensamiento de sus principales autores. Nicolás Gómez Dávila es el mejor representante del pensamiento reaccionario en la filosofía latinoamericana, de modo que, a partir del análisis de algunos de sus escritos y siguiendo la propuesta de Richard Shorten para identificar lo reaccionario con base en tres pilares (...)
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    Empathy Enhancement Based on a Semiotics Training Program: A Longitudinal Study in Peruvian Medical Students.Lissett J. Fernández-Rodríguez, Víctor H. Bardales-Zuta, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Testing the modulation of self-related automatic and others-related controlled processing by chronotype and time-of-day.Lucía B. Palmero, Víctor Martínez-Pérez, Miriam Tortajada, Guillermo Campoy & Luis J. Fuentes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103633.
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    Timp şi temporalitate în filosofia lui Mihai Şora.Victor Eugen Gelan - 2013 - In Mona Mamulea (ed.), TIMP ŞI SPAŢIU ÎN GÂNDIREA ROMÂNEASCĂ. EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE. pp. 129-148.
    The present contribution has the purpose of evidencing both the originality of Şora’s understanding of time (and its importance for the question of authenticity, empathy and intersubjectivity), and the possibility of a dialogue with Husserl’s understanding of the consciousness of internal time. One of the most important aspects of my paper is the endeavour to bring to light the underlying structure of temporality at work in Mihai Şora’s philosophy. The two forms of temporality present in Şora’s thought – the temporality (...)
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  35. Trecerea de la dihotomic la organic intricat în filosofia lui Mihai Şora.Victor Eugen Gelan - 2007 - In Leo Stan & Vlad Puescu (eds.), Filosofie şi dualism. Zeta Books. pp. 221-234.
    My aim here is to analyze a few possible ways of transcending the dichotomous character of philosophical thinking. I focus on Mihai Şora’s philosophy because it is best suited for this goal. The question that will guide this paper is whether it is possible to go beyond the dichotomous nature of philosophy. My thesis will be that, when considering Mihai Şora’s thought, one can answer in the affirmative. We look for the details of Şora’s philosophy which allow us to set (...)
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    Pero... ¿en qué año se licenció en Filosofía José Luis L. Aranguren?Víctor Méndez Baiges - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 77:57-71.
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    Anthropologie et politique: les principes du système de Rousseau.Victor Goldschmidt - 1974 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Dans ce monumental ouvrage devenu un classique du commentaire, Victor Goldschmidt, fidele a sa methode structurale et combattant l'idee selon laquelle la pensee de Rousseau ne serait pas organisee, demontre qu'il est possible d'expliciter les principes du systeme de Rousseau. Denoncant l'opposition recue entre la genese et la structure, l'auteur procede a un examen minutieux de la constitution de ces principes, en s'appuyant sur les deux Discours et l'Emile - Rousseau lui-meme disait que son systeme y etait formule -, mais (...)
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  38. AIMMBE e IBV cuentan con un novedoso servicio de diseño, fabricación y evaluación de implantes veterinarios.Irene Lara, Juan Vicente Haro, José Ramón Blasco, Víctor Primo, Luís Portolés & Carlos Atienza - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 38-41.
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    Hugonis de Sancto Victore operum Editio auspiciis Gilduini abbatis procurata et IV voluminibus digessa.Rainer Berndt & Jose Luis Narvaja - 2017 - Monasterii Westfalorum [Münster in Westfalen, Germany]: In aedibus Aschendorff. Edited by Gilduin, Rainer Berndt, José Luis Narvaja & Hugh.
    English summary: Gilduin (1155) was, from 1113, the first abbot of the community of the Canons Regular of St Augustine, soon to become an abbey, under the auspices of St Victor of Marseille, on the left bank of the river Seine. After the death of his confrere Hugh, who was of German descent and the leading figure of the Victorines, on 11 February 1141, abbot Gilduin took care that the writings of Hugh were collected and compiled in a representative complete (...)
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    Y a-t-il une esthétique cartésienne?Victor Basch - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 2:67-76.
    Un certain nombre de critiques ont affirmé que dans la doctrine de Descartes il n’y a aucune possibilité d’une esthétique. La plupart des autres ont pensé qu’il y avait, dans cette doctrine, tout au moins une esthétique implicite et que cette esthétique, dont ils empruntaient les traits, non à Descartes lui-même, mais à des critiques comme Boileau, d’Aubignae, Bosse, de Chambray, etc., était rigoureusement rationaliste, Descartes ayant « confondu le Beau dans le Vrai ».J’ai essayé de montrer qu’il y a (...)
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    Miguel A. Granada, Adam Mosley and Nicholas Jardine, Christoph Rothmann's Discourse on the Comet of 1585. An Edition and Translation with Accompanying Essays. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. Pp. xx + 379. ISBN 978-90-04-26023-4. £115.00 .Víctor Navarro Brotóns, Disciplinas, Saberes y Prácticas: Filosofia Natural, Matemáticas y Astronomía en la Sociedad Española de la Época Moderna. València: Universitat de València, 2014. Pp. 496. ISBN 978-84-370-9446-5. £26.75. [REVIEW]Luís Miguel Carolino - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (2):292-293.
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    Platonisme et pensée contemporaine.Victor Goldschmidt - 1970 - [Paris]: Aubier.
    « La première partie du livre ("La religion de Platon") a été écrite pour servir d'introduction à la pensée platonicienne, la deuxième partie n'a pas, directement du moins, pour objet la pensée contemporaine, mais seulement les rapports établis par celle-ci, lors des diverses "querelles" avec le platonisme... Le platonisme est bien envisagé en lui-même, alors que la pensée contemporaine ne l'est qu'à partir des points où elle se définit contre lui. » Victor Goldschmidt, voici trente ans, présentait ainsi son livre. (...)
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    VITORIA, FRANCISCO DE Sobre el homicidio, Estudio preliminar y traducción de Luis Frayle Delgado, San Esteban, Salamanca, 2010, 110 pp. [REVIEW]Víctor Zorrilla - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:456-458.
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    From Self-Transcendence to Collective Transcendence: In Search of the Order of Hierarchies in Maslow’s Transcendence.Luis Felipe Llanos & Lorena Martínez Verduzco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maslow’s Human Motivation extended Theory, in its late version, proposed transcendence as one of the highest levels, inclusive or holistic in the Human consciousness. Through Meaning Theory, Victor Frankl and Paul Wong suggested that self-transcendence is a fundamental expression of our spiritual nature and a distinctive concept. However, it is not clear whether at present, with an extensive offer of individualistic currents, transcending involves a personal issue or is rather a collective issue, related to community and culture. The objective of (...)
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    RESEÑA de : Alba, Víctor. ¿Ocio o placer? : suicidio de la burguesía y agonía del proletariado. Madrid : Ed.Planeta, 1991. [REVIEW]José Luis Pozo Fajarnés - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):456.
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    John of St. Thomas [Poinsot] on Sacred Science: Cursus Theologicus I, Question 1, Disputation 2.John P. Doyle & Victor M. Salas (eds.) - 2014 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This volume offers an English translation of John of St. Thomas's Cursus theologicus I, question I, disputation 2. In this particular text, the Dominican master raises questions concerning the scientific status and nature of theology. At issue, here, are a number of factors: namely, Christianity's continual coming to terms with the "Third Entry" of Aristotelian thought into Western Christian intellectual culture - specifically the Aristotelian notion of 'science' and sacra doctrina's satisfaction of those requirements - the Thomistic-commentary tradition, and the (...)
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  47. Hugo, Hegel, and Architecture.Jose Luis Fernandez - 2021 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 44 (1):153-163.
    This essay aims to contribute comparative points of contact between two influential figures of nineteenth century aesthetic reflection; namely, Victor Hugo’s artful considerations on architecture in his novel Notre-Dame de Paris and G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophical appraisal of the artform in his Lectures on Fine Art. Although their individual views on architecture are widely recognized, there is scant comparative commentary on these two thinkers, which seems odd because of the relative convergence of their historically situated observations. Owing to this shortage, I (...)
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    First Person Thoughts: Shareability and Symmetry.José Luis Bermúdez - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (4):629-638.
    Victor Verdejo’s paper ‘On Having the Same First Person Thoughts’ introduces an interesting and fruitful framework for applying the type-token distinction to first person thoughts. He draws a three-way distinction between types, instantiable types, and instantiated types, and uses that distinction to open up a conceptual space for the possibility of shareable first person thoughts. This note distinguishes two types of interpersonal shareability and argues that Verdejo’s suggestions about instantiable types can only secure shareability of the first kind, but not (...)
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    A Dissertation on Newman's Anglican Sermons, John Henry Newman y la condición antropológica como fundamento para la teología de la credibilidad: Estudio crítico de los sermones Anglicanos, 1824-1843 by Luis Mauricio Albornoz Olivares. [REVIEW]John T. Ford - 2016 - Newman Studies Journal 13 (2):85-87.
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    Victor Basch : l'esthétique entre la France et l'Allemagne.Céline Trautmann-Waller - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):77-90.
    Le parcours de Victor Basch, germaniste d’origine allemande d’abord professeur de littérature étrangère à la fin du XIXe siècle puis d’esthétique dans les années 1920-1930, illustre tout particulièrement l’importance des transferts franco-allemands qui ont présidé à l’institutionnalisation de l’esthétique en France. Parti de la nécessité d’établir la réflexion sur l’art sur des bases non normatives, Basch devint un introducteur privilégié de l’esthétique psychologique allemande en France. En suivant le cheminement de Basch, cet article veut montrer autant la place essentielle qu’a (...)
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